Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Geography Lesson?

A tall angular-bodied (peroxide) blond woman struts into the coffee shop where I was studying this morning. The heels of her stiletto boots struck the marble tiles with the loud clack clack of fourth of July poppers.

The coffee-shop trivia of the day was: “What is the capital of Ukraine?” For a correct answer, you get 10 cents off your order. Easy enough, no?


“ooh!!!!” she squealed, triumphantly punching her French-manicured fists in the air.
“I know that! It’s Russia!”

Below her Caribou visor the barista drew her eyebrows together. “Ummm, no…actually, it’s Kiev.”

Miss Stiletto is visibly annoyed. “Are you SURE?”

Visor: “Yes”

She didn’t get ten cents off her order.

1 comment:

Davenelli said...

Excellent post.

Such a simple post yet so wonderfully shared.

And yes the Capital of Ukraine is without a doubt Kiev.